This is just to demonstrate the variation I mentioned earlier - I just went back to see what I spent - granted I already had all my other credits but here is what it looked like for me: Guardian Scholarship - six courses FREE = 18 credits - 3 courses for $88 = 9 credits [I could have done more but my scholarship came through and I didn't need more shmoop credit]
Ethics from the Institutes; TEEX and NFA - FREE = 6 credits
One month of plus one extra exam $269 = 9 credits
42 credits
Total spent = $357
That came out to $8.50 credit hour!
Now lets say for the sake of argument you could knock out 4-5 Alek courses in a month for $20 = 12-15 credits
and you can do 10 shmoop courses in a month for $88 = 30 credits
You could potentially be pending $108 for 42-45 credits. That is really, really ambitious but its been done by people here on this thread.
Same number of credits with but taking two courses a month, spread out over 28 months = over 5k
or using straighterline as an example where the average course is $60 + the $99 subscription, also two courses a month = over 6k
PLus you'll still have your capstone, residency waiver and graduation fee.
Speed, more than anything, is going to determine your costs. That and whatever courses you still need. If you can't use Aleks or Shmoop you might be spending more at SL or study but even there, extra exams and course costs are less if you fit them into the same month which reduces your subscription fees.
All this is the reason its almost impossible to calculate how much it will cost. My guess is, you need 60 credits and depending on what you need and how you get them, you can do this for as little as 4-5k including the cost of a capstone, residency waiver and graduation fee if you can work through the courses pretty quickly. Or it could cost as much as 10k if you just do one or two courses a month over a couple of years. ***Some of the psychology courses are not offered at yet so I'm not taking into account that you might be spending $500 or more on a course at a local college or with another course provider*** Guardian Scholarship - six courses FREE = 18 credits - 3 courses for $88 = 9 credits [I could have done more but my scholarship came through and I didn't need more shmoop credit]
Ethics from the Institutes; TEEX and NFA - FREE = 6 credits
One month of plus one extra exam $269 = 9 credits
42 credits
Total spent = $357
That came out to $8.50 credit hour!
Now lets say for the sake of argument you could knock out 4-5 Alek courses in a month for $20 = 12-15 credits
and you can do 10 shmoop courses in a month for $88 = 30 credits
You could potentially be pending $108 for 42-45 credits. That is really, really ambitious but its been done by people here on this thread.
Same number of credits with but taking two courses a month, spread out over 28 months = over 5k
or using straighterline as an example where the average course is $60 + the $99 subscription, also two courses a month = over 6k
PLus you'll still have your capstone, residency waiver and graduation fee.
Speed, more than anything, is going to determine your costs. That and whatever courses you still need. If you can't use Aleks or Shmoop you might be spending more at SL or study but even there, extra exams and course costs are less if you fit them into the same month which reduces your subscription fees.
All this is the reason its almost impossible to calculate how much it will cost. My guess is, you need 60 credits and depending on what you need and how you get them, you can do this for as little as 4-5k including the cost of a capstone, residency waiver and graduation fee if you can work through the courses pretty quickly. Or it could cost as much as 10k if you just do one or two courses a month over a couple of years. ***Some of the psychology courses are not offered at yet so I'm not taking into account that you might be spending $500 or more on a course at a local college or with another course provider***
MTS Nations University - September 2018
BA.LS.SS Thomas Edison State University -September 2017
BA.LS.SS Thomas Edison State University -September 2017