04-09-2017, 10:04 AM
College Board has a pdf that goes in depth about how scores are calculated. The link is password protected, and a little birdy gave me the password, so I will not share the pdf link HOWEVER, the basic run down is that REAL students in REAL college classes create the population that scaled scores are derived from. They take a sample of students who earned a "C" in their real class, they take a sample of students who earned a "B" in their real class, and so on. They give those groups the CLEP exams, and how they do is how College Board scales the scores. As to individual questions being weighted, I'm not sure if that's the case. I've never seen anything that would lead me to believe that, but I do know that some questions are unscored. The unscored questions are *probably* in testing for a future revision, which means that ACE won't allow them to be used for a grade.
Of course the answers to most of these questions are that their system/methods are proprietary and simply kept secret. We just don't know.
EDIT to add: the pdf is old, it's from 8-9 years ago, so exams modified since then could certainly use a new method.
Of course the answers to most of these questions are that their system/methods are proprietary and simply kept secret. We just don't know.
EDIT to add: the pdf is old, it's from 8-9 years ago, so exams modified since then could certainly use a new method.