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Desktop died, not sure what to do about computer
sanantone Wrote:I had one problem with Wiindows 10. Some video drivers needed to be updated or the computer would crash. After I updated my driver, my laptop has not crashed with Windows 10.
Sounds OK to me. I've nothing against Windows 10 for reliability etc. I'm just one of those people (seems we're a pretty big crowd) who just flat don't like it - mostly because they perceive hindrances to their normal workflow.

My beef with Microsoft is that they seem (to me) obsessed with what THEY want to produce - with little or no regard for how it affects customers / end users. I started back in DOS days. Digital Research DOS 3.41 in 1989. I still have a copy AND a machine with a floppy. I still sometimes boot old machines with DOS, when trying to fix them. As I see it, it took Microsoft till several years later to really get DOS right, with Version 6.22! I've used Windows 3.1, (forget 3.0 and before) Win95, 98, 2000, XP, 7 - all with negligible amounts of trouble. You'll note I safely avoided Vista and Windows Me - nicknamed "Mistake Edition." A couple of minor resentments along the way , like taking out "edit" - the command-line editor, missing from Windows 7 - and some reduced backward-compatibility with a very few old 16-bit programs that nobody uses - except me.

There were MAJOR benefits from the new versions - but NEVER from Microsoft itself. The benefits were from the software developers, who made better and better programs to run on the new versions of Windows. These are the people who saved Microsoft's bacon, time and time again. I hope they can pull it off this time, but I'm not sure if I'll ever really need to find out. What I have now - works. I'll keep it and I have umpteen distros of Linux, as well. And buckets of software for it! And what software I don't have for it is free and one click away! Seems Windows 10 has led quite a few to come to this decision.


Messages In This Thread
Desktop died, not sure what to do about computer - by Johann - 03-23-2017, 05:09 PM

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