Donna Evans presents the course, and there are three required webinars, just like with strategic management. There are four required participation discussions as well. There are also four required open book exams not counting the final project. The final project is a series of questions mostly about the subprime mortgage crisis and financial collapse.
The one thing to be aware of is that Ms. Evans rules for the course are more strict than what the course instructions on the website say -- for example the instructions say resources like investopedia are ok to use as references, but she discourages that and a few others; She has an especially strong dislike of wikipedia. What I usually did when wikipedia had good information was to simply go to the wiki article citations and cite those instead.
There is a proctored final as well, but it also is open book.
Overall the course was pretty easy. I finished with a 93. It took me a bit over a month, but I started at the end of October and got delayed by her taking a few days off for the holidays.
I cannot remember how long you actually have to finish the course, I believe it's either 3 or 6 months though.
The one thing to be aware of is that Ms. Evans rules for the course are more strict than what the course instructions on the website say -- for example the instructions say resources like investopedia are ok to use as references, but she discourages that and a few others; She has an especially strong dislike of wikipedia. What I usually did when wikipedia had good information was to simply go to the wiki article citations and cite those instead.
There is a proctored final as well, but it also is open book.
Overall the course was pretty easy. I finished with a 93. It took me a bit over a month, but I started at the end of October and got delayed by her taking a few days off for the holidays.
I cannot remember how long you actually have to finish the course, I believe it's either 3 or 6 months though.
TESU BSBA/GenMgmt, Graduation approved for March 2017
CR Sources: 75cr(StraighterLine), 15cr(Saylor), 6cr(ALEKS), 6cr(Kaplan, TESU), 12cr(PF), 6cr(CLEP)
CR Sources: 75cr(StraighterLine), 15cr(Saylor), 6cr(ALEKS), 6cr(Kaplan, TESU), 12cr(PF), 6cr(CLEP)