01-24-2017, 06:25 PM
Awesome, thanks! And congratulations!!!!
Synicaal Wrote:I did case study 1 on 1/20 and case study 2 on 1/21 - Got my results on 1/23. Did Case Study 3 on 1/23 and got my results today. They seem to do them pretty quickly. I submitted my last case study today. Just finished up the final (got a 77/100) so it doesn't really matter what I got on the 4th case study I have enough points to pass woo hoo. I have to say it was the most demanding of the Study.com courses I took. They should really have it pick Case Study 1 or 2, and pick Case Study 3 or 4. Make it a total of two. You are using the same principles in both case study 1 and 2, and also in 3 and 4. Soon as I get the approval on my ACE transcript I will be sending it of to TESU, I should be done with ACE credits at this point!!! Only 4 courses through SL and I heard SL will send them straight to TESU no need to send an additional ACE transcript (I WILL still add them to ACE though).
Community College: College Success Skills | Gen. Psychology | Span 1 | Eng. 101 | Accounting 1 | Accounting 2 | Comp Skills
Study.com Scholarship: Per. Finance | Prin. of Marketing | Digi. Mark. & Advertising | HR Manage. | Prin. of Finance
The Institutes: Ethics
Sophia: Proj. Management
Straighterline: Survey of World History | Principles of Management | MacroEco. | MicroEco. | American Gov | US History 1 | US History 2 | Western Civ 1 | Western Civ 2 | Business Law | Intro to Religion | Cultural Anthropology | Intro to Environ. Science | Intro to Soc
ALEKS: Inter. Algebra | College Algebra | Intro to Stats
TEEX: Cyber 101 | Cyber 201 | Cyber 301
NFA: Fire Service Supervision: Self Study
Certified: Six Sigma Yellow Belt [8 PDU]
Study.com Scholarship: Per. Finance | Prin. of Marketing | Digi. Mark. & Advertising | HR Manage. | Prin. of Finance
The Institutes: Ethics
Sophia: Proj. Management
Straighterline: Survey of World History | Principles of Management | MacroEco. | MicroEco. | American Gov | US History 1 | US History 2 | Western Civ 1 | Western Civ 2 | Business Law | Intro to Religion | Cultural Anthropology | Intro to Environ. Science | Intro to Soc
ALEKS: Inter. Algebra | College Algebra | Intro to Stats
TEEX: Cyber 101 | Cyber 201 | Cyber 301
NFA: Fire Service Supervision: Self Study
Certified: Six Sigma Yellow Belt [8 PDU]