11-05-2016, 12:03 PM
I think the grading policy of study.com is great as it is. If you get 100% on the quizzes and know the flash cards, it is pretty much impossible to fail the class. For those that want a format VERY similar to study.com but with immediate exam score grades and a higher price, sophia.com is an option. I have taken both and actually prefer Sophia's set-up, but you can get 2 classes at study.com for less than the price of one class at Sophia, and study.com's catalog of classes is much larger, plus study.com is so responsive on this board, so my choice was study.com to finish my degree. After I take the study.com exam, I just request the class be added to my ACE transcript, and move on to the next one. Get 100s on the quizzes and use the flashcards and this delayed exam score grade thing is not even an issue.
TESU BA June 2018.
Various business certificates still to do.
Various business certificates still to do.