10-26-2016, 09:43 AM
Ladyplf Wrote:I did a terrible thing, I forwarded a scholarship email from WGU to my sister since I wasn't ready to enroll, and I know she wants a degree but can't afford it. She called me up the next day asking what kind of school did I sic on her on her lol. They got her now. :reddevil:That wouldn't have happened if you had simply forwarded an email. You must have done the referral through their website. Back in the stone age, it used to be an ironclad rule of netiquette that you never gave someone else's email address to a third party. The plethora of online greeting cards, Evite, and other scams to harvest email addresses blew that up, but it's still a personal rule of mine.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); Saylor.org:Intro to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)
PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); Saylor.org:Intro to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)
PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?