11-25-2007, 12:14 AM
Thanks for all the info. As for TESC being easier, I didn't meant it that way. I agree with you that Excelsior is probably more acceptable of courses than TESC. What I meant by easier is that they accept 200 Level courses as Upper Level which makes it a little easier for me to get a degree through them. I have no respect for TESC though. Their customer service is terrible. I ask anyone to call their 800 number and ask 1-2 simple questions about any of their programs and their reply is to e-mail admissions with your question and the reply from them is you need to pay a $75.00 registration fee first, then send all your transcripts before they can give out any info. Just recently I was connected to an advisor who said to me and almost an exact quote, "answers cost money"! These were generic questions such as would Intermediate and College Algebra suffice for the AAS in Environmental Science? I never ran into this problem w/Excelsior or any other school for that matter. I live 30 miles south of Trenton so I could probably drive there for answers but they will NOT get my $$$$. They are not worthy. Enough on that. I will continue the march, steady as she goes like you all say. Man school gets tough when you get close to 50, doesn't it? I will continue on w/the BS in Liberal Studies (Excelsior). (1) question, I've read a lot of posts about the Operations Management course at CSU Pueblo. I signed up for MGMT 311: Operations and Quality Management at CSU, is this the same course or is it updated? I read another post about being good w/Excel will help you a lot with this course. Do you need to be good with Excel to complete this course? This site was a good find, you guys/girls all have great info which has definitely helped me, a cross between an infomercial and pep rally. I appreciate the help.