09-05-2016, 12:19 PM
Let me break down my situation. 101 credits taken towards a degree in biology at my previous school. Now some classes are less than a C so they won't transfer over. Now i have a few career goals in mind. 1)Get master's degree in nutrition and go from there. 2)get a job in Health IT. I can easily get my health IT certificate. 3) and it's a long shot but go to PA school. Now i've been accepted to 2 colleges reasonably priced. First one is UMUC they accepted 65 of my credits and it would be towards a degree in Health Services management. Here's the problem. the reviews weren't good about this school. 3% graduation rate and i have no interest in managing hospitals or anything. Next school is Wilmington University. Good school. I know people who went there and can co sign this school. It's also less expensive but they only accepted 57 credits. This would be a Health Sciences degree. I know to work in nutrition i still have to take the requirements. aka organic chemistry, anatomy and physiology, etc. Maybe i can do it at a community college for a lesser cost.