06-23-2016, 10:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2016, 10:15 AM by cookderosa.)
soliloquy Wrote:I decided to pull my child out of public schools and I need help finding an online curriculum. I am specifically looking for an online Christian curriculum. I know there's Liberty University and Alpha Omega. I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions. I would like it to be regionally accredited!
Big step! Wow, well, first stop is HSLDA. It is my strong opinion that you should join, however if you don't, you can still find all the resources you need on their website. You'll need to find out the details of your state law (this is very important since homeschooling is legal in all 50 states AS LONG AS you comply with the law to the letter) and of course there are links to state support groups (Christian and Secular) as well as curriculum resources.
Your membership fee pays to have an entire legal team on retainer- I wouldn't homeschool one day without them. I've been a member since 1994. Since your child was in the school system, you may encounter issues when they don't return- pulling out of school is very different than never having sent your kids. If you're contacted, or if you're required to file paperwork, HSLDA will hold your hand and even send letters if the school district misbehaves

HSLDA: Homeschooling Advocates since 1983
PS regarding curriculum, regional accreditors don't accredit homeschool curriculum or homeschools. It depends on how your state classifies you, but your diploma is valid in all 50 states (assuming you're compliant with your state's laws).