06-16-2016, 10:34 PM
Thanks for your imput!
Life Long Learning Wrote:I put all my CLEP/DSST/ECE exams on all three of the below. I would not wait!
ACE Transcript
DSST/CLEP Transcript
JST Transcript (Military)
Time goes by fast and rules change. JST use to put ECE Exams on the JST, but would not on mine as I asked too late (all Army paid ECE exams). JST did all my CLEP/DSST Exams after the fact (all Army CLEP/DSST paid exams).
I put all my CLEP/DSST credits below on my ACE Transcript except ONE course that ACE did not have in their system any more (aged out).:ack:
DSST (78 SH) 6 UL
| Astronomy 51 | Phy Geology 46 | Prin of Phy Sci 47 | Enviro & Human 50 | Tech Writing 53 | Ethics in America 51 | Intro to LE 60 | Criminal Justice 55 | Intro to Mid East 44 | Rise/Fall Soviet Union 46 | Hist Vietnam War 54 | Found of Edu 56 | Intro to World Religions 56 | Gen Anthro 47 | Lifespan Dev Psych 48 | Hum/Cult Geography 60 | Health 49 | Per Finance 62 | Intro to Bus 64 | Intro to Computing 51 | Prin of Supervision 58 | Bus Math 66 | Org Beh 54 | Civil War & Recon 52 | Contemporary W. Europe 54 | Hum Res Mgmt 59 |
CLEP (36 SH)
| Soc Sci & Hist 510 | Natural Sci 430 | Prin of Mgmt 58 | Prin of Mktg 58 | Intro to Soc 53 | Intro to Psych 49 | Prin of Macro 50 | Prin of Micro 47 | US Hist I 53 | US Hist II 55 | West Civ I 50 | West Civ II 51 |
UExcel/ECE (30 SH) 21 UL
| Labor Relations 59 | Prod/Opns Mgmt 50 | Org Beh 53 | Hum Res Mgmt 58 | World Pop 57 | Eng Comp 53 (6) | Research Meth in Psych 44 | Lifespan Dev Psych 51 | Found of Gerontology 52 |