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In my 30s and looking to finish my degree in Computer Engineer/Science
TrailRunr Wrote:Will you consider a business administration with CIS degree at TESU? (CIS can be tested out) Keep in mind that employers know the difference between a MIS/CIS grad and a CS grad. What are you going to do with the degree?

As far as tests for the CS at TESU, there are 2 MIS tests that cover 6 credits of upper level (MIS DSST and CSU-Global System Analysis and Design). There are a ton of options for lower level CS programming exams if you already know Java or C++. But if you can pass those exams, you might be able to PLA those courses and a lot more. Be aware that applied computer stuff like cybersecurity, cloud computing, and TCP/IP networking exams or classes won't work (but will work for BSBA in CIS).

That leaves you with 3 upper level CS courses plus one capstone course you have to take. On the lower level credits, you are missing a math course (either linear algebra or discrete math) and a CS data structures course. The linear algebra counts as upper level in CS as long as you don't take the class at a community college.

I'm not sure what you mean by disqualified. But if you have any D grades lying around, they will count as long as it's not in the major (area of study) or for English comp.

The Calc 1 with the C- might be an issue at TESU because officially you need a C or better in the area of study. You can CLEP the calculus if a retake is needed.

Speaking of Calculus. I'm taking it right now and I went into the class being rather rusty with my Algebra. (I too am over 30 going back to school). If/when you retake Calc, i recommend watching Professor Leonard's videos on youtube I watch these before I get the lecture in class, what way I have already gone over the material and I am able to ask meaningful questions in class. It's been working so far. Set the curve on two tests. With out this, I would more than likely be failing.
DSST - Technical Writing - 441
CLEP - College Composition - 69

Can only test out of 2 more classes for my degree:
CLEP - Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - TBD

Messages In This Thread
In my 30s and looking to finish my degree in Computer Engineer/Science - by Togas - 03-09-2016, 05:39 PM

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