RichardN Wrote:So I'm looking to see what the fastest and cheapest route is to get a Computer Science Degree online, but I'd prefer Computer Engineering vs. Science. Is there any Computer/Software Engineering online degrees out there and what's the fastest way to get the degree with the CLEP tests not having to take courses as much as possible.
I'd like to point out that "computer engineering" is not similar to "software engineering". They are quite different. For the most part courses in CE, CS, or SE cannot be tested out of anywhere that I am aware of. Is your goal to enter the industry? If so, which industry (doing what)?
Some ECE programs through distance:
Electrical & Computer Engineering 2+2 Program
Stony Brook University - Electrical Engineering Online
Electrical Engineering Degree | Electrical Engineering | Degrees | Online Distance | Extended Learning | Academics | UND: University of North Dakota
Online Electrical Engineering Degree ASU Online Degrees