02-16-2016, 10:56 PM
Two potential solutions depending on how big the issue is. The first is to try just emailing the general customer service, which is good anyhow because it takes less of your time and then you have their answer in writing to hold them to in the future. If the issue is a very big deal though, e-mail the head of the company, as they had getting customer service complaints and will usually have someone at the top of the corporate ladder handle the situation... thus it will get resolved faster.
MBA, Walden University (In progress - 60% done)
2016 TESU, BA-LIBST, Emphases in Multimedia Comm./Human & Social Services
TESU TECEPS: Abnormal Psych PSY-350, Psych of Women PSY-270, Sales Mgmnt MAR-322, Advertising MAR-323, Marketing COM-210; Capstone w/ Ciacco
Other Sources: CLEP, Art Portfolio, 3 Comm. Colleges, 2 Art Colleges, FEMA, AICPCU Ethics
2016 TESU, BA-LIBST, Emphases in Multimedia Comm./Human & Social Services
TESU TECEPS: Abnormal Psych PSY-350, Psych of Women PSY-270, Sales Mgmnt MAR-322, Advertising MAR-323, Marketing COM-210; Capstone w/ Ciacco
Other Sources: CLEP, Art Portfolio, 3 Comm. Colleges, 2 Art Colleges, FEMA, AICPCU Ethics