01-20-2016, 08:25 AM
sanantone Wrote:Depending on the state and the program, a master's in psychology can qualify one for a mental health or professional counselor license. I/O psychologists don't have to worry about licensure, but at least a master's degree is expected to get into the field. A doctorate is preferred.
Just asking, but what is your opinion on my plan? My main idea behind pursuing a Masters in I/O Psychology is to continue my psychology field as far as I can without needing to complete a residency/intern requirement as of now. Since being in the army it is highly unlikely that I would be able to spend time at a internship or residency for a 1yr. So that would have to wait until I am out of the army. I also see I/O Psychology as having more worth in a business environment then a MS in General Psychology, thus being a complement to my MBA.