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Finish in 4 months at TESC? Is this even possible? Help, please!
So, I posted this last weekend in response to another question. However, I think some of it is relevant to your question. You will need to check the catalog and make sure you are on track. However, when it comes to the length of time it will take you, part of it is up to you and your confidence level.

Here are some rambling thoughts on the subject... some on target, some completely off target... just needed to ramble Smile

I took forever to get my BS. In retrospect, had I had more confidence and less procrastination, I could have done the last 60 units in four months or less easily. I had 60 units from my AS and I had 40 years of business/health/life experience. Had I been confident I could have easily done two tests (or as many as I could schedule) a week because I knew most of the stuff. Do I remember it iall - yes I remember it all because I already knew most of it already. My learnings from studying were more like the frosting on the cake. My BS has depths in Psych and Healthcare. I had enough units I could have had two more depths in History and Photography.

My advice on the confidence piece for a BS/BA for any adult is to compare yourself to the newly minted BS/BA students you know. Do you know as much of them? That's all that's required for a BS/BA. No more, no less. Had I gone into my BS with that in mind I would have taken most of the DSST/CLEP/TECEP/Uexcel without studying. I know, because they work for me, that I'm smarter and more "educated" than most BS/BA grads. Maybe not specific major STEM BA/BS grads, but definitely more than any liberal arts, social science, history, etc. BS/BA grad.

MS - Management and Leadership, WGU 2022
BS - Liberal Arts - Depths in Healthcare and Psychology, Excelsior College 2014
Certificate - Workers Comp Admin, UC Davis Extension, 1995
AA - Licensed Vocational Nursing and Selected Studies, Mesa College 1989
Certificate - Licensed Vocational Nursing (LVN), Mesa College 1977

Also, someday maybe a MS in Forensic Psychology, just for fun.   Oh, and a BS in Animal Behavior.  And, maybe when I'm 85 a PhD in something fun.

Messages In This Thread
Finish in 4 months at TESC? Is this even possible? Help, please! - by GoodYellowDogs - 11-30-2015, 07:56 PM

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