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January 2016 TESC to TESU and my struggle to choose between TESC and COSC
thank you! which of the 8 items you suggested are accepted by TESC BSBA? I would hate to take the time to build credits and then it turn out a portion of them might not be accepted?

dfrecore Wrote:Welcome to the forum!

I don't know a lot about COSC, so I will just tell you what I know about TESC. First, TESC changes their catalog and any requirements once a year on July 1. So, you have until then to make your decision. Second, TESC is the only one of the Big 3 that allows complete test out of all BSBA requirements. Both COSC and EC have Capstone requirements, while COSC also has a Cornerstone. TESC's Strategic Management Capstone can be taken via TECEP or a PennFoster course. So TESC is definitely the cheapest from that standpoint. This could change on July 1, so be prepared for that.

The requirements for all 3 degrees, including General Ed, are VERY similar. I would say that they are probably 90% the same, or at least you can use most of the courses you take in any of the 3 degrees. They all require Statistics and College Algebra. COSC requires a science with a lab, TESC & EC do not. EC requires Precalculus, TESC & COSC don't. They all require a certain amount of UL credits, which are doable from a testing standpoint.

If you looked at the price right now for everything at each school from start to finish in order to graduate - NOT including any exams you would need to take - your price woud be:
- EC would be $5095 (application, enrollment, 6cr capstone, annual fee, & graduation fee)
- COSC would be $2703 (application, cornerstone, capstone, student services fee (per semester), technology fees, & graduation fee)
- TESC would be $518 (application, technology services fee, & graduation fee). TESC would have an additional $888 for TECEP's to establish residency, but those would be offset by the fact that you would be getting credits for courses you would have to take anyway. You would have 96 units to get in other ways rather than 120. So that's totally not in the equation of cost in my opinion.

I think the biggest impediment at this point in time is not figuring out which school, but actually STARTING. Here are all of the free/cheap things you could start on:
1) create an ACE account:
2) Do the Kaplan PLA free course (3cr GenEd):
3) Do the free Ethics course (2cr GenEd): Preserve the trust on which insurance transactions are based with an understanding of ethics
4) Do the free TEEX courses (6cr GenEd or Free Electives):
5) Do the free NFA courses (3cr Free Electives or Business):
6) Sign up with Dream Degree and get 30 free credits (mostly GenEd or Business):
7) Sign up with ALEKS and get through Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, and Intro to Statistics (9cr GenEd, 12cr if you take precalc):
8) Do Saylor as many Saylor courses as you can (up to 42cr): Earn College Credit | Saylor Academy

You haven't even gotten to anything that costs more than $25 yet, and you could have 92cr!!! Search this forum for details about each of these methods (for instance, DreamDegree is dubious at this point).

You don't have to do all of those of course, but by getting started on SOME of them, you knock out a bunch of credits; for someone starting at 0, 120cr can be daunting, so getting some under your belt is a huge motivator.

Go take a bunch of these, take some CLEP/DSST's, start on a few SL courses, however you want to do it, and then come back and plan out your degree!!

Messages In This Thread
January 2016 TESC to TESU and my struggle to choose between TESC and COSC - by RobertBSBA - 11-27-2015, 02:11 PM

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