11-02-2015, 08:26 PM
HomeschoolingUniversity Wrote:Our DD is homeschooled and in 10th grade. She took her first CLEP exam last summer and is looking forward to taking more throughout high school. It's possible she may take some CLEP exams after she graduates high school. So, if she took some CLEP exams the summer following her sr yr, (or beyond...who knows? she may take a gap year) could this jeopardize her standing as a freshman when she moves on to college? Would she now be considered a transfer student since she acquired college credit after high school?
Thank you for any insight!
CLEP exams are absolutely positively 100% NOT transfer credit. It doesn't matter if she took them in high school or after. *The College Board isn't a college thus doesn't issue credit, only once these transcripts are evaluated are scores turned into credit, thus there is nothing to transfer from- these scores are not credit until a college makes them so. *
Dual enrollment is subject to the target college's policy, overwhelming majority never count dual enrollment earned before graduation as transfer credit.
In almost every instance, any and all credit earned AFTER high school through a college will count as transfer and require an official transcript- even if she dropped, withdrew, or failed the class.