09-12-2007, 04:03 PM
I am soooooo happy right now! I passed Here's to Your Health and Fundamentals of Counseling that I took 8/18!!! I can't believe it! With all that I went through on testing day, I was sure that I failed them BOTH. It took a long time to get the scores, but it was so worth the wait! I got a 59 on HTYH and a 49 on Fund. of Counseling. Barely passed the latter, but I will TAKE IT! Now I just have Intro to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice and I will be DONE with testing and looking to graduate with my BS/BA in March!! hilarious
HG&D - 62
Ed. Psych - 57
Humanities - 59
A&I Literature - 59
Here's To Your Health - 59
Fund. of Counseling - 49
Criminal Justice - 55
Intro to Law Enforcement - 51
HG&D - 62
Ed. Psych - 57
Humanities - 59
A&I Literature - 59
Here's To Your Health - 59
Fund. of Counseling - 49
Criminal Justice - 55
Intro to Law Enforcement - 51