Life Long Learning Wrote:I know an Army NCO with three advanced degrees (J.D.), but he is NOT a leader. Education is NOT leadership. The Army does not care about 85-90% of the Army Officer branches in what their degree is in is. The degree is just a baseline ticket. You must preform after that. Maybe 10-15% of Army officers need a real specialty degree. These are the small specialty branches (JAG, Medical, etc.).
I completely understand that, but after talking/knowing many new Lts, I would like to point that most brand new Lts from ROTC or O9S (most who would still be considered kids, by most elders in any other situation) that get accepted into army have no real leadership experience up until that point. And even then I would point out how much hand holding the new Lts & even 1LTs get from their Platoon Sgt. Compare the fellow enlisted member I was talking about to my new Lt, and the enlisted member is light years ahead of him on leadership potential. Even their civilian life (pre army) would speak volumes in the enlisted members favor.
Anyway I just wanted to point out to the OP not to beat his self up if things don't work out, but to give it his all. My point was to also counter what jramus said about all packets being picked up, something I know not to be true, not just from that source, but multiple sources. Also I never said the type of degree mattered I just pointed out my fellow soldiers degree to stress my point. Read my original post (page 1) and you can see I also wrote it doesn't matter what type of degree the OP has or will have.