CCC Clackamas Community College
I looked into this several years ago. There are requirements that may only be met with face to face courses that must be taken at a state authorized site. These include 1) Community Emer. Response Team – (Field Based Training. Contact local fire department Or Emergency Management Agency) (3 sc), 2) EM Skillbuilder (Workshop) - State conference - States may charge to attend (3 sc), 3) Emergency Management CWE – Contact Yvonne Smith, Department Chair, for project
approval and instructions. (6 sc). There are also a Registration Maximum of 18 credits per quarter (4 terms/yr). These are the reasons I did not pursue this degree.
I reread the program today and it seems to be the same.
sc = semester credits
I looked into this several years ago. There are requirements that may only be met with face to face courses that must be taken at a state authorized site. These include 1) Community Emer. Response Team – (Field Based Training. Contact local fire department Or Emergency Management Agency) (3 sc), 2) EM Skillbuilder (Workshop) - State conference - States may charge to attend (3 sc), 3) Emergency Management CWE – Contact Yvonne Smith, Department Chair, for project
approval and instructions. (6 sc). There are also a Registration Maximum of 18 credits per quarter (4 terms/yr). These are the reasons I did not pursue this degree.
I reread the program today and it seems to be the same.
sc = semester credits