05-26-2015, 04:29 PM
Txcell Wrote:I graduated High School when I was sixteen and immediately started taking some classes at a local community college. I was in a pretty bad place in life, and overwhelmed with everything. As a result, I received an F, a couple As, two or three Bs, and a C or two. I know thats terrible. banghead Its been several years since then(six to be exact). Since then, I have taken several CLEP and DSST exams, and I'm currently enrolled in a StraighterLine course. I know none of these things help my GPA problem. I'm just concerned that TESC won't accept me due to my past performance. Should I try to enroll in some other classes to help my GPA? What are TESC's GPA requirements for admission?
I can't remember all of the classes I have taken, and their exact grades.
Of course, I will be ordering the transcripts and having them sent to TESC.
Thank you.
TESC will not reject you, TESC is an open enrollment institution- meaning anyone meeting their admissions criteria can enroll. Thomas Edison State College: Applying is easy and can be done 24/7 through our online application and no ACT or SAT scores are required to apply