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Multiplying vs. Squaring Binomials
Well, non-squared would be (A^2 + B^2) or (A^2 - B^2), whereas squared, it's (A + B)2 = A2 + 2AB + B2; (A - B)2 = A2 - 2AB + B2
Excelsior, BS, pursuing degree

CLEP: Hum. (67), Hist. of U.S. I (74), Hist. of U.S. II (71), Intro. Psych. (69), Intro. Soc. (72), Soc. Sci. and Hist. (74), Western Civ I (72), Western Civ II (70), Am. Lit. (60), Intro. to Educ. Psych. (62), P. of Management (74), P. of Market. (74), Intro. Bus. Law (67), P. of Accounting (60), AmGov (68)
DSST: Ethics in Am. (76), P. of Super.(67), HRM (65), Intro to Bus. (70), MIS (65), P. of Fin (62), M&B (65), P. of Stat. (68)
TECEP:: IntFin, SecAna


Total Credits: 129

Messages In This Thread
Multiplying vs. Squaring Binomials - by Blue - 08-14-2007, 07:39 PM
Multiplying vs. Squaring Binomials - by mstcrow5429 - 08-14-2007, 07:49 PM
Multiplying vs. Squaring Binomials - by Blue - 08-14-2007, 11:01 PM

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