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Need assistance on choosing program
daristotle Wrote:Yes, I plan on going for a BS after I get the AA sorted out. (I mostly just want something to be able to put on my resume at this point if needed.)
The courses I've completed so far from Portland Community College:
ARCH 111 Working Drawings 1
DRF 112 Technical Freehand Sketching
DRF 116 Introduction to Drafting
DRF 126 Introduction to AutoCAD
ATH 102 Intro Archaeology & Prehistory
EC 200 Prin Econ: Intro, Inst & Phil
HST 102 Medieval t/Early Modern Europe
SOC 204 Gen Soc: Soc in Everyday Life
ATH 103 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
HST 101 West Civ: Ancient Wrld to 1200
HST 103 Western Civ: Modern Europe
HST 278 Russian History I
PSY 101 Psychology and Human Relations
HST 201 History of the U.S. - I
ATH 209 Cult Ath: Cult Growth & Change
CAS 175 Introduction to Flash
HST 203 History of the U.S. - III
ATH 207 Cult Ath: Cult Concepts
PHL 210 Intro to Asian Philosophy
SOC 228 Intro Environmental Sociology
WR 115 Intro to Expository Writing
ATH 208 Cult Ath: Cultures of World
SOC 199A Tools Creative Soc Activism 1
SOC 199A Tools Creative Soc Activism 2
CIS 120 Computer Concepts I
CIS 122 Software Design
MP 111 Medical Terminology

Thanks again everyone!

Okay, so the reason you've not completed your degree is because most of your courses are in social science (a subject I happen to love enough to have earned a degree in Smile )
So, if you headed to any of the big 3 or stayed put, the issue is with credit distribution, nothing more. You're short in natural sciences, math, and humanities.
Without me appearing pushy, did your advisor tell you that you had too many social science credits at some point? You have more than 50 lower level social science credits. There is nothing wrong with taking courses in your interest, but the sucky part is that you're now left with going back and getting the distribution filled.

I have 2 ideas, not sure which appeals to you more.
Idea #1 Stay at your CC and finish your AA. Your deficiencies can be filled with classes or CLEP University Transfer: College Level Exam Program | PCC but if you do this, be SURE you're checking with your advisor very carefully ahead of doing ANYTHING. If you are receiving a Pell Grant, courses from your CC will be paid for- not the case with exam credit. If you're using student loans, I like this idea the least, but there is an argument for having a degree from your hometown.
Idea #2 is to enroll in a bachelor's degree program with TESC or similar. You can actually major in social sciences, and while you're not going to avoid the maths/humanities/sciences, your lower level social sciences will fill in your general education social science slots PLUS they'll over flow into your gen ed electives. Your have several non-liberal arts courses that will free your electives, and I think you'll find that completing upper levels via testing/coursework in the field of social sciences will be less difficult for you than you think. It's possible that you'll get the most utility following this route, but my math is still showing that you're going to have more credit than slots.
A degree at TESC in social science can be filled with history, sociology, anthropology, archaeology, psychology, govt, and economics- which are all in your wheelhouse. There are many upper level test-out options for social science, more so than most fields, so you're not as limited as far as choice goes.

I would absolutely NOT enroll at TESC for an AA. You'll be stepping over dollars to pick up pennies.

Just my two cents.

Messages In This Thread
Need assistance on choosing program - by rebel100 - 03-25-2015, 11:50 AM
Need assistance on choosing program - by Prloko - 03-25-2015, 02:59 PM
Need assistance on choosing program - by cookderosa - 03-25-2015, 07:02 PM
Need assistance on choosing program - by Prloko - 03-26-2015, 07:15 AM
Need assistance on choosing program - by rebel100 - 03-26-2015, 08:47 AM
Need assistance on choosing program - by JTP - 03-26-2015, 09:39 AM
Need assistance on choosing program - by rebel100 - 03-26-2015, 01:38 PM
Need assistance on choosing program - by cathgrl - 03-26-2015, 08:59 PM
Need assistance on choosing program - by ajs1976 - 03-27-2015, 11:49 AM
Need assistance on choosing program - by ajs1976 - 03-27-2015, 12:03 PM
Need assistance on choosing program - by rebel100 - 03-27-2015, 12:13 PM

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