If your only goal is any AA, then Charter Oak State College (COSC) can get you there quick and cheap. All you would need to do is CLEP College Composition, do an ALEKs math course and complete COSCs cornerstone course. My estimate for your total cost is below (assuming you're not a CT resident and not in the military).
$ 75 Application Fee
1038 Tuition for Cornerstone course
245 Student Services Fee
205 Graduation Fee
50 Technology Fee
10 Continuing Ed Fee
80 CLEP College Composition
20 One month subscription to ALEKS
25 Estimated proctor fee for CLEP
35 Ace transcript fee
10 Community Coll transcript
$1793 Total
Now you say you only need two courses from your Community College, it may actually be cheaper to finish with your CC, what college is that? If you can CLEP English and Math and transfer them to your CC, it should only be a few hundred dollars at most, unless your CC won't accept the CLEPs.
If you don't mind doing 4 TECEP courses, your costs can be even lower (probably $800-900, give or take) by doing the AA through TESC.
But I think KittenMittens is right, you are incredibly close to a Bachelors and it may be more financially beneficial to just go for the Bachelors. Listing your credits here can help you better.
$ 75 Application Fee
1038 Tuition for Cornerstone course
245 Student Services Fee
205 Graduation Fee
50 Technology Fee
10 Continuing Ed Fee
80 CLEP College Composition
20 One month subscription to ALEKS
25 Estimated proctor fee for CLEP
35 Ace transcript fee
10 Community Coll transcript
$1793 Total
Now you say you only need two courses from your Community College, it may actually be cheaper to finish with your CC, what college is that? If you can CLEP English and Math and transfer them to your CC, it should only be a few hundred dollars at most, unless your CC won't accept the CLEPs.
If you don't mind doing 4 TECEP courses, your costs can be even lower (probably $800-900, give or take) by doing the AA through TESC.
But I think KittenMittens is right, you are incredibly close to a Bachelors and it may be more financially beneficial to just go for the Bachelors. Listing your credits here can help you better.
CLEPS Passed: 10 DSST Passed: 11 TECEPS: 1
Don't waste time by trying to save time. The only sure way to complete your degree is to knock out credits quickly and efficiently.
Don't let easiness bite you in the rear. Know your endgame (where you want to be) and plan backward from there. Your education is a means to an end.
Be honest professionally, socially and academically. There are people (especially little ones) who look up to you and they're going by your example.
Be proud. Whether you're an Engineer or Fast Food worker, there is honor and dignity in hard work.
Picking on people weaker than you only proves that you are a weak person.
Don't waste time by trying to save time. The only sure way to complete your degree is to knock out credits quickly and efficiently.
Don't let easiness bite you in the rear. Know your endgame (where you want to be) and plan backward from there. Your education is a means to an end.
Be honest professionally, socially and academically. There are people (especially little ones) who look up to you and they're going by your example.
Be proud. Whether you're an Engineer or Fast Food worker, there is honor and dignity in hard work.
Picking on people weaker than you only proves that you are a weak person.