03-25-2015, 02:31 PM
daristotle Wrote:Hi,
I need some assistance in choosing a program to complete some kind of AA degree. At my local community college I have 87 credits. I also have a few IT certificates as well. My problem is that I still need to finish up some general requirements. If I complete an English and Math course, I could get an Associates of General Studies from my community college. Looking at Excelsior and TESC I could get an AA instead for potentially cheaper.
My main goal is to finish up something quickly.
Which college would best serve my goal? (Or, am I better served by just completing the two courses at my community college and calling it a day.) And, what would be the fastest/cheapest way to finish up the English and Math requirements?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
It is unlikely that it would be faster or cheaper to transfer. You're already at 87 credits, but you're not yet at your CC's AA? If you're missing 3 cr English and 3 cr Math, you're still going to need those at TESC (or any big 3) since those are required of all degrees. If you'll share the name of your college as well as the credits earned, it would be a lot easier to help. At TESC you can use CLEP to hit both English and Math, that may be the case at your CC too. It's worth checking!