03-17-2015, 09:21 PM
you only decided to take this exam 12 days ago
would it really have been so bad to have spent 4 weeks studying the subject ?
if you really want to graduate by June then you should sit down and study and stop rushing
if you take your next test on April 21, that gives you 5 weeks to study
and April 21 seems like it's enough time to get all the grades in and graduate by June
uexcel Earth Science
Excelsior College | Earth Science
maybe these videos will help
scroll down to the video titles and click on the VoD icon
Resource: Earth Revealed
Resource: Planet Earth
Resource: The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science
and there's a couple of decent books
Amazon.com: Earth Science Demystified (0639785508250): Linda Williams: Books
it looks like a difficult subject, but totally doable
would it really have been so bad to have spent 4 weeks studying the subject ?
if you really want to graduate by June then you should sit down and study and stop rushing
if you take your next test on April 21, that gives you 5 weeks to study
and April 21 seems like it's enough time to get all the grades in and graduate by June
uexcel Earth Science
Excelsior College | Earth Science
maybe these videos will help
scroll down to the video titles and click on the VoD icon
Resource: Earth Revealed
Resource: Planet Earth
Resource: The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science
and there's a couple of decent books
Amazon.com: Earth Science Demystified (0639785508250): Linda Williams: Books
it looks like a difficult subject, but totally doable