03-03-2015, 10:03 AM
Thanks for all of the replies! At 43, I have kind of lost my way for sure. I have looked into PA school and really wish I would've gone that route years ago. We have a great 2 year program here. It is extremely competitive. They only accept 50 students out of thousands of applications. Same goes for the RN program at the same school. You cannot work if you get into them and that is not an option for me. We have no ultrasound programs anywhere near where I live. I've have also looked into that. I originally thought I could roll my medical experience into something but have had lots of doors slammed. Another of the problems is that no school will take my old A & P , medical terminology, etc courses. All of those would have to be done over provided I could even get in somewhere. I've looked into physical therapy/occupational therapy/respiratory therapy and am not much interested in those (ironically enough there are openings in those programs) I do miss the medical field somewhat. My passion is history though. I agree that I can't justify spending a lot on a history degree when I need to make money. I still have a 15 year old son at home that will be going to college in a few years. I keep sending out my resume for jobs in editing, non-profit, etc. and no replies. I'm really peeved that now everything has to be such an expense and a hassle. Gone are the days of getting an add-on certificate that can actually land you a decent paying job. It's frustrating!!!!