02-18-2015, 05:42 PM
rebel100 Wrote:See, here is my problem with your argument. You think that you've discovered some sort of enlightened state and wish to impose your will over the rest of us. Your brand of thinking, if taken to a long term logical conclusion, wherein a select enlightened few make decisions of life and death over others is exactly the reason we have a second amendment in the first place. I hope there is something in your life that warrants fighting for, I hope if ever threatened you have the means to defend yourself and those you love...I hope you have the means to do so.
I try to shy away from politics on this board, but feel your brand of elitism deserves challenge.
I regret writing that sentence you quoted, but stand by everything else. And I'm sorry you don't like the way I have put pen to paper. The reality is that I am one of many who believe that spending time fighting the NRA's elite lobby and power in congress is time well spent. 'This system of lobbyists exerting such power in congress could not have been imagined by our founding Fathers.' I don't claim enlightenment. I speak on behalf of scientific research. Your owning a gun is not going to make anyone safer - but your owning of a gun may certainly make you feel safer. This is my problem with pro gun arguers. They never address this reality. The evidence supporting this fact is insurmountable- implicitly and explicitly. I am not part of an enlightened few. I'm just part of those that realize gun ownership has turned into a health crisis that needs to be addressed.
--The Second Amendment -- The Supreme Court has always interpreted this as a state's militia's right, not an individual's.
Researchers scared away from studying gun violence - HT Health