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Newbie with some college credits
Hello all, Welcome!

I am a newb when it comes to all of this info and I'm so impressed with what I have found here.

Back when I was a young'un, I did a year of college (I think I got 23 credits, have to check ye olde transcript) and then in 2008 I did a semester at a college online simply because of the price (San Juan College). I had a good experience in both schools but obviously was not thinking very clearly about what I was going to DO with my credits. I thought at first English, then Psychology. Then Sociology.

I still don't know, and I'm 42 now. My ultimate goal is a BA or BS. I think a BA, though since I'm not strong in math. Psych or Soc, and my new area of possible interest is business (nothing in particular yet).

I know all my credits probably won't transfer, but I'm interested in the Big Three and want to see if any of them will take what I already have and how many credits etc. If your colleges were regionally accredited, they absolutely will transfer.

I work full time, have a young child, and little time to spare so I'm looking into CLEP to fulfill as many credits as possible. I hear you! That's the case with most of the adults here.

My questions:

Do I apply directly with the Big Three, sending in my transcripts etc. and just pick whichever one will take the majority of my already earned credits? Not necessary unless you'd be more comfortable doing it that way. You will have to apply at some point, but the degree plans for almost any big 3 degree are pretty straight-forward, so you can start working on any of them on your own. Most people here can help you put your classes into the right slot so you see what you have/what you need. Again, your classes from the community college will transfer, where were your other classes from?
Do I apply to one school at a time? All 3 are open enrollment, so once you apply or enroll, you'd be a student. You'll have to choose 1.
I assume all three are going to take any CLEP credits I earn (am I correct in that?) They will accept any CLEP credits that fit into your degree plan. Hypothetically, lets say you had 120 credits in math, since there are no degrees that could use 120 credits in math, those credits all couldn't be used- even if they were "transferable" credits. So, you have to be sure they fit in the slots - that's called making a degree plan.

On the money end, do I have to pay an up front tuition and take classes at any of the Big Three or do I just enroll and do CLEP tests? How on earth does that work? Please, if you can break it down step by step for harried, exhausted moms who haven't had any coffee, that would be great.Smile You pay for what you take wherever you take it. So, if you had financial aid, you could use it at your local community college or favorite online school and transfer those credits to the big 3, or you could take classes at any of the big 3. It's up to you. They will accept all credit that is regionally accredited, or ACE evaluated, and fits into your degree plan. CLEP you pay to CLEP. Translation: price shop. These schools allow that freedom. Most people can cash flow these degrees by paying as you go. You can probably test out of your remaining credits in a year or less. Each CLEP exam will run you $80 plus about $20 proctoring fee = $100 per. In theory, if you had 30 credits and needed to complete 90 more, ball park you're looking at 30 or fewer classes/tests. (some tests are more than 3). Depending on the school you choose, the tests or places you can take classes from will differ slightly based on the degree you need (I don't mean to sound vague, just trying to give you a general breakdown). So, big picture, you're looking at $3000ish best case to $5-6000ish depending.

FTR the courses I have taken already are:

Psych 101
English 101 and 102
Psych Human Dev
Early Childhood Ed if psychology prefix, will be a gen ed, if not will be an elective
Algebra (remedial. I suck at math)
Sociology 101
COSC 111 Computer Literacy

And the mandatory freshman counseling class you don't get credit for, lol. not an automatic no. Depends.

So anyone feel like pointing me in the right direction? I have looked at the Wikia, all over the boards, have signed up with IC (nothing to lose), and the information at this point is amazing yet overwhelming. I can't decipher it all. You don't have to! Welcome, and take it slow. Spending a few weeks just figuring out how it all works will come back to you in COST and TIME savings! People here will help.

Thanks much, friends!Smile

Messages In This Thread
Newbie with some college credits - by Taxandria - 02-08-2015, 01:25 PM
Newbie with some college credits - by cookderosa - 02-08-2015, 01:54 PM
Newbie with some college credits - by dfrecore - 02-08-2015, 02:19 PM
Newbie with some college credits - by Taxandria - 02-08-2015, 05:45 PM
Newbie with some college credits - by Taxandria - 02-08-2015, 10:06 PM
Newbie with some college credits - by cookderosa - 02-09-2015, 01:29 PM
Newbie with some college credits - by Prloko - 02-09-2015, 04:08 PM
Newbie with some college credits - by Taxandria - 02-10-2015, 04:34 AM
Newbie with some college credits - by Prloko - 02-10-2015, 01:27 PM
Newbie with some college credits - by Taxandria - 02-10-2015, 04:22 PM
Newbie with some college credits - by Prloko - 02-10-2015, 04:43 PM
Newbie with some college credits - by Taxandria - 02-10-2015, 07:50 PM

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