01-29-2015, 09:18 AM
I'm planning on taking this exam later this year, but I obviously don't have much advice yet for you about it. My only suggestion would be to carefully read over the exam Content Guide (it's a pdf you can download) as it outlines (so I've heard) what will be covered on the exam. I'm personally planning in a lot longer than two weeks to study for it. If you do take it, please let us know how it goes!
June 2016: B.A. in English - TESU
A&I Lit 79, Intro Soc 65, Intro Psych 73, Intro Edu Psych 60, Human G&D 65, English Lit 73, Am Lit 73, Hum 63, College Comp 63, Prin Mark 73
Intro Comp 460, Env & Hum 65, Intro World Rel 475, Tech Writ 67, Ethics in Amer 456, H/C Geog 60, Gen Anthro 68, R&F Sov Un 73, HTYH 468
Public Relations: Thought and Practice 86
Cyber 101: Cyber Security for Everyone
Cyber 201: Cyber Security for IT Professionals
Cyber 301: Cyber Security for Business Professionals
Intermediate Algebra
Literacy Instruction in the Elementary School - A
Credits 120/120 I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
C. S. Lewis
A&I Lit 79, Intro Soc 65, Intro Psych 73, Intro Edu Psych 60, Human G&D 65, English Lit 73, Am Lit 73, Hum 63, College Comp 63, Prin Mark 73
Intro Comp 460, Env & Hum 65, Intro World Rel 475, Tech Writ 67, Ethics in Amer 456, H/C Geog 60, Gen Anthro 68, R&F Sov Un 73, HTYH 468
Public Relations: Thought and Practice 86
Cyber 101: Cyber Security for Everyone
Cyber 201: Cyber Security for IT Professionals
Cyber 301: Cyber Security for Business Professionals
Intermediate Algebra
Literacy Instruction in the Elementary School - A
Credits 120/120 I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
C. S. Lewis