One other tip that wasn't mentioned above is an incredible resource offered here to paying subscribers -- the Specific Exam Feedback Area!
A day or two before you take the exam, go through the feedback there for the exam you're going to take and you'll find a lot of great advice from members who've taken that particular test. Seeing everyone's success stories there will also give you a boost; a lot of people are passing these exams and you can too!
Note that to access the exclusive Specific Exam Feedback Area, you will need to purchase a paid subscription at (all subscriptions include full access to this discussion forum).
A day or two before you take the exam, go through the feedback there for the exam you're going to take and you'll find a lot of great advice from members who've taken that particular test. Seeing everyone's success stories there will also give you a boost; a lot of people are passing these exams and you can too!
Note that to access the exclusive Specific Exam Feedback Area, you will need to purchase a paid subscription at (all subscriptions include full access to this discussion forum).