Here's the official evaluation for BSBA CIS if anyone finds it helpful. 6 Credits weren't used but everything looks good so far.
I'm curious about those 6 credits in the "Other Courses" section. I would have thought those would fit into General Education Electives; they appear to do so when I use the "What If" evaluation option. Might give them a call to confirm.
BSBA General Education (60 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 27.00
Complete all 4 subrequirements:
A: Intellect/Prac Skill (In Progress)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
ENC-101 (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENGL101 Composition I............ 3.00 B ENC-101 *CC *TE
ENC-102 (Writing Intensive) (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
College Algebra OR Quantitative Business Analysis (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Statistics (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Business/Managerial Communications (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Intellectual and Practical Skills (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. COMM101 Introduction to Oral Comm 3.00 A COM-108 *CC *TE
B: Personal/Social Resp (In Progress)
Diversity or Global Literacy (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. SOC101 Sociology................ 3.00 B SOC-101 *CC *TE
Responsible Ethical Leadership (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Personal and Social Responsibility Elective (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. RELI215 Major World Religions.... 3.00 A REL-277 *CC *TE
C: Hum Cult & Phys Wrld (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 15.00
Macroeconomics (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ECON102 Principles of Macroeconom 3.00 B ECO-111 *CC *TE
Microeconomics (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ECON101 Prin of Microeconomics... 3.00 B ECO-112 *CC *TE
Interdisciplinary (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. PSY101 Intro to Psychology...... 3.00 A PSY-101 *CC *TE
1.. PHIL201 History of Philosophy I.. 3.00 A PHI-299 *CC *TE
1.. POS296 Special Topics in Poli Sc 3.00 A POS-299 *CC *TE
D: General Ed Electives (Not Started)
0/18 Credit completed
_______________________________________________________________ 18 SH (6 courses) needed
Core (27sh)
Semester Hours Completed: 4.00
Complete all 8 subrequirements:
A: Intr Finl/Mgrl Acctg (Not Started)
Semester Hours Completed: 0.00
Group 1 (Not Started)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ ACC-101___ _________________________ _____________________________ 1 course
___ ACC-102___ _________________________ _____________________________ 1 course
B: Business Law (Not Started)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ LAW-201___ _________________________ ______________________ 1 course needed
C: Compu Lit/Intr CIS (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. CSCI101 Intro Comp Info Science.. 4.00 A CIS-101 *CC *TE
D: Princ of Finance (Not Started)
_______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed
E: Prins of Management (Not Started)
_______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed
F: Intro to Marketing (Not Started)
_______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed
G: Bus in Soc/Int'l Mgt (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
H: Strategic Management (Not Started)
_______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed
Specialization (12sh Must Be At the 300/400 Level)
Semester Hours Completed: 3.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 4.000 / 2.000
Complete all 3 subrequirements:
A: Programming (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
B: Systs Analy & Design (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
C: CIS Electives (In Progress)
Semester Hours Completed: 3.00
Group 1 (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Group 2 (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Group 3 (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Group 5 (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. NETW121 Networking Fundamentals.. 3.00 A CAP-216 *CC *TE
Business Electives (9sh)
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. NETW167 Windows Server Adminis... 3.00 A CMP-130 *CC *TE
1.. NETW166 Windows Workstation Admin 3.00 A CMP-122 *CC *TE
1.. NETW151 PC Hardware Maint & Repai 3.00 A CAP-199 *CC *TE
Free Electives (6sh)
!! Exception
Overage in Core (1 sh) -- needs 5 sh
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. NETW150 Workstation Operating Sys 3.00 A CIS-219 *CC *TE
1.. NETW160 Intro to Networking...... 3.00 A CAP-181 *CC *TE
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
--- ---------- ------------------------- ------- --- ---------- ---------
1 NETW182 Linux Administration 3.00 B CAP-273 *TE*CC
1 NETW122 Routing & Switching Essen 3.00 B CAP-288 *TE*CC
I'm curious about those 6 credits in the "Other Courses" section. I would have thought those would fit into General Education Electives; they appear to do so when I use the "What If" evaluation option. Might give them a call to confirm.
BSBA General Education (60 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 27.00
Complete all 4 subrequirements:
A: Intellect/Prac Skill (In Progress)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
ENC-101 (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENGL101 Composition I............ 3.00 B ENC-101 *CC *TE
ENC-102 (Writing Intensive) (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
College Algebra OR Quantitative Business Analysis (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Statistics (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Business/Managerial Communications (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Intellectual and Practical Skills (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. COMM101 Introduction to Oral Comm 3.00 A COM-108 *CC *TE
B: Personal/Social Resp (In Progress)
Diversity or Global Literacy (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. SOC101 Sociology................ 3.00 B SOC-101 *CC *TE
Responsible Ethical Leadership (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Personal and Social Responsibility Elective (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. RELI215 Major World Religions.... 3.00 A REL-277 *CC *TE
C: Hum Cult & Phys Wrld (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 15.00
Macroeconomics (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ECON102 Principles of Macroeconom 3.00 B ECO-111 *CC *TE
Microeconomics (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ECON101 Prin of Microeconomics... 3.00 B ECO-112 *CC *TE
Interdisciplinary (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. PSY101 Intro to Psychology...... 3.00 A PSY-101 *CC *TE
1.. PHIL201 History of Philosophy I.. 3.00 A PHI-299 *CC *TE
1.. POS296 Special Topics in Poli Sc 3.00 A POS-299 *CC *TE
D: General Ed Electives (Not Started)
0/18 Credit completed
_______________________________________________________________ 18 SH (6 courses) needed
Core (27sh)
Semester Hours Completed: 4.00
Complete all 8 subrequirements:
A: Intr Finl/Mgrl Acctg (Not Started)
Semester Hours Completed: 0.00
Group 1 (Not Started)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ ACC-101___ _________________________ _____________________________ 1 course
___ ACC-102___ _________________________ _____________________________ 1 course
B: Business Law (Not Started)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ LAW-201___ _________________________ ______________________ 1 course needed
C: Compu Lit/Intr CIS (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. CSCI101 Intro Comp Info Science.. 4.00 A CIS-101 *CC *TE
D: Princ of Finance (Not Started)
_______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed
E: Prins of Management (Not Started)
_______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed
F: Intro to Marketing (Not Started)
_______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed
G: Bus in Soc/Int'l Mgt (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
H: Strategic Management (Not Started)
_______________________________________________________________ 1 course needed
Specialization (12sh Must Be At the 300/400 Level)
Semester Hours Completed: 3.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 4.000 / 2.000
Complete all 3 subrequirements:
A: Programming (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
B: Systs Analy & Design (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
C: CIS Electives (In Progress)
Semester Hours Completed: 3.00
Group 1 (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Group 2 (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Group 3 (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
Group 5 (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. NETW121 Networking Fundamentals.. 3.00 A CAP-216 *CC *TE
Business Electives (9sh)
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. NETW167 Windows Server Adminis... 3.00 A CMP-130 *CC *TE
1.. NETW166 Windows Workstation Admin 3.00 A CMP-122 *CC *TE
1.. NETW151 PC Hardware Maint & Repai 3.00 A CAP-199 *CC *TE
Free Electives (6sh)
!! Exception
Overage in Core (1 sh) -- needs 5 sh
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. NETW150 Workstation Operating Sys 3.00 A CIS-219 *CC *TE
1.. NETW160 Intro to Networking...... 3.00 A CAP-181 *CC *TE
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
--- ---------- ------------------------- ------- --- ---------- ---------
1 NETW182 Linux Administration 3.00 B CAP-273 *TE*CC
1 NETW122 Routing & Switching Essen 3.00 B CAP-288 *TE*CC
B&M CC Credits:
- Eng 101 - Composition 1.
- Comm 101 - Into to Oral Communication.
- PSY 101 - Intro to Psychology.
- SOC 101 - Intro to Sociology.
- ECON 101 - Principles of Microeconomics.
- ECON 102 - Principles of Macroeconomics.
- POS 296 - Special Topics in Political Science - Campaigns and Elections.
- RELI 215 - Major World Religions.
- PHIL 201 - History of Philosophy.
- CSCI 101 - Intro to Computer Information Science
- NETW 121 - Networking Fundamentals
- NETW 122 - Routing & Switching Essentials
- NETW 150 - Workstation Operating Systems
- NETW 151 - PC Hardware Maintenance & Repair
- NETW 160 - Intro to Networking
- NETW 166 - Windows Workstation Administration
- NETW 167 - Windows Server Administration
- NETW 182 - Linux Administration