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Rough draft for degree plan
Lemonsama, here is my degree plan for my BA in English at TESC. I purposely chose to take a couple grammar/linguistic-leaning courses because of the direction I want to head post degree. Also, please note that I haven't completed all of this yet, but it is approved by TESC and listed on my academic evaluation with them (with the exception of the UExcel exam - I haven't asked them to add that yet) .

TESC BA English

I. General Education Requirements (60)
1. CLEP College Composition 6
2. Saylor or ALEKS algebra 3
3. Intro to Computing DSST 3
4. Public Relations Thought & Practice TECEP 3
5. CLEP Humanities 6
6. Intro to Sociology CLEP 3
7. Ethics in America DSST 3
8. General Anthropology DSST 3
9. Human/Cultural Geography DSST 3
10. Environment & Humanity DSST 3
11. Intro to Psychology CLEP 3
12. Human Growth & Development CLEP 3
13. Educational Psychology CLEP 3
14. Intro to Technical Writing DSST 3
15. Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union DSST 3
16. Intro to World Religions DSST 3
17. Analyzing and Interpreting Lit CLEP 3 (split)
18. Descriptive Grammar of the English Language LSU 3

II. Area of Study: (33 credits, 15UL)

1. American Literature CLEP 6
2. Analyzing and Interpreting Lit CLEP (split)
Non-Western Literature
3. Russian Literature APU 3
English Electives
4. English Literature CLEP 6
5. Shakespeare APU 3 UL
6. The English Language SNHU 3 UL
7. One Writer’s Vision: Jane Austen TESC 3 UL
8. Studies in Literature: Fantasy of Tolkien & Lewis BYU 3 UL
9. Liberal Arts Capstone TESC 3 UL

III. Free Electives (27 credits)
1. Intro to Marketing CLEP 3
2. Here’s to Your Health DSST 3
3. Kaplan PLA course 3
4. TEEX Cybersecurity courses 6
6. UExcel Literacy Instruction in the Elementary School 6
7. Prior music course credits 6

Also, check out APU's literature courses. They offer quite a few. I really enjoyed the Russian Literature course and I'm in the middle of taking Shakespeare from them right now as well.
June 2016: B.A. in English - TESU

A&I Lit 79, Intro Soc 65, Intro Psych 73, Intro Edu Psych 60, Human G&D 65, English Lit 73, Am Lit 73, Hum 63, College Comp 63, Prin Mark 73
Intro Comp 460, Env & Hum 65, Intro World Rel 475, Tech Writ 67, Ethics in Amer 456, H/C Geog 60, Gen Anthro 68, R&F Sov Un 73, HTYH 468
Public Relations: Thought and Practice 86
Cyber 101: Cyber Security for Everyone
Cyber 201: Cyber Security for IT Professionals
Cyber 301: Cyber Security for Business Professionals
Intermediate Algebra
Literacy Instruction in the Elementary School - A

Credits 120/120 I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
C. S. Lewis

Messages In This Thread
Rough draft for degree plan - by lemonsama - 12-16-2014, 04:00 PM
Rough draft for degree plan - by Photog - 12-16-2014, 06:14 PM
Rough draft for degree plan - by KayV - 12-16-2014, 07:22 PM
Rough draft for degree plan - by KayV - 12-16-2014, 07:29 PM
Rough draft for degree plan - by happydayruth - 12-16-2014, 10:52 PM

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