12-11-2014, 03:36 PM
rebel100 Wrote:I believe what you are referencing is "credit banking" which is really a mostly different animal than degree completion. Credit Registry - Charter Oak State College So your right, credit banking costs money....but that is irrelevent to the discussion of "which credits from FEMA are excepted" and their free use within a degree program. I suspect you would be better served (in many cases) by applying as a degree seeker, taking the cornerstone, and transferring your FEMA in...you would still get the credits on an official transcript and be that much closer to an actual degree, a valuable tool for promotion and career management.
I thought NYPD took them on a FEMA transcript directly, did this change? Also, I understood that NYC was a leader with the old PONSI which is now called NCCRS....they should be taking NCCRS courses directly though I don't know this to be the case.
Since my reply was "irrelevant to the discussion" of which credits are accepted, I don't know why I am even replying. No, NYPD does not take FEMA transcripts directly, which is why they have to be transferred.