Devanna Wrote:I believe that's called cheating (assuming you're doing it during the tests, which it sounds like you are). SL specifically prohibits the use of Google during exams. Academic Honesty Policy | StraighterLine
Some of us still use old-fashioned studying and try to do things honestly.
I was referring about cost of retaking courses at SL. Propero costs about $300, while SL is below $100 and many are $49. If I feel I will fail to get 70%, I can retake that course before final and review the graded exams I have taken. I can always google for more information. Besides the book publisher provides web companion for more exercise. That should be helpful. When I took SL courses, most exams are open book except FINAL. I combined reading ebook and google books. Anyway, to me SL online courses are very affordable compare to other ACE approves online places. And I learn faster this way!