07-11-2014, 05:04 PM
Okay, here is one way to finish your degree requirements.
To complete General Education:
TECEP Environmental Ethics 3
CLEP LIT-291/292-CE Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 6
CLEP SOS-101/102-CE Social Sciences and History (General) 6
Any Gen Ed TECEP, CLEP, or DSST 3
For Social Sciences, you need at least 3 different subjects represented, with between 12 and 18 hours in one of them. This is one way to achieve that. Be sure to ask them to transcribe Fundamentals of Counseling and Organizational Behavior as Psychology classes.
Area of Study: Social Science
A. History 3
1. HS102 West Civ Wrld Persp 2.... 3.00 B HIS-102 *TE
B. Psychology 18, 12 UL
1. PY103 Intro Psych.............. 3.00 B PSY-101 *TE
2. TECEP PSY-270-TE Psychology of Women 3
3. PY222 Industrial Psychology.... 3.00 C+ PSY-363 *TE 3UL
4. PY204 Adolescent Psychology.... 3.00 B PSY-342 *TE 3UL
5. DSST PSY-361-DE Organizational Behavior 3UL
6. DSST PSY-331-DE Fundamentals of Counseling 3UL
C. Social Science 3UL
1. DSST SOS-305-DE Substance Abuse 3UL
D. Political Science 3
1. TECEP POS-282-TE Intro to Comparative Politics 3
E. Sociology 3
1. TECEP SOC-210-TE Marriage and the Family 3
F. Capstone 3UL
1. TESC LIB-495 Liberal Studies Capstone 3UL
For free electives, I included the no-cost classes mentioned upthread, and you should fill in the rest with TECEPs to avoid enrollment fees.
Free Electives 27
1. SW101 Intro to Social Work..... 3.00 D SOW-203 *TE
2. LC100 Freshman Seminar......... 1.00 B FEL-101 *TE
3. PLA Kaplan PLA course 3
4. TEEX Cybersecurity series 6
5. National Fire Academy 3
6. Any TECEP 3
7. Any TECEP 3
8. Any TECEP 3
Keep in mind that you could replace some of those psych classes with history or other social sciences if you'd prefer.
To complete General Education:
TECEP Environmental Ethics 3
CLEP LIT-291/292-CE Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 6
CLEP SOS-101/102-CE Social Sciences and History (General) 6
Any Gen Ed TECEP, CLEP, or DSST 3
For Social Sciences, you need at least 3 different subjects represented, with between 12 and 18 hours in one of them. This is one way to achieve that. Be sure to ask them to transcribe Fundamentals of Counseling and Organizational Behavior as Psychology classes.
Area of Study: Social Science
A. History 3
1. HS102 West Civ Wrld Persp 2.... 3.00 B HIS-102 *TE
B. Psychology 18, 12 UL
1. PY103 Intro Psych.............. 3.00 B PSY-101 *TE
2. TECEP PSY-270-TE Psychology of Women 3
3. PY222 Industrial Psychology.... 3.00 C+ PSY-363 *TE 3UL
4. PY204 Adolescent Psychology.... 3.00 B PSY-342 *TE 3UL
5. DSST PSY-361-DE Organizational Behavior 3UL
6. DSST PSY-331-DE Fundamentals of Counseling 3UL
C. Social Science 3UL
1. DSST SOS-305-DE Substance Abuse 3UL
D. Political Science 3
1. TECEP POS-282-TE Intro to Comparative Politics 3
E. Sociology 3
1. TECEP SOC-210-TE Marriage and the Family 3
F. Capstone 3UL
1. TESC LIB-495 Liberal Studies Capstone 3UL
For free electives, I included the no-cost classes mentioned upthread, and you should fill in the rest with TECEPs to avoid enrollment fees.
Free Electives 27
1. SW101 Intro to Social Work..... 3.00 D SOW-203 *TE
2. LC100 Freshman Seminar......... 1.00 B FEL-101 *TE
3. PLA Kaplan PLA course 3
4. TEEX Cybersecurity series 6
5. National Fire Academy 3
6. Any TECEP 3
7. Any TECEP 3
8. Any TECEP 3
Keep in mind that you could replace some of those psych classes with history or other social sciences if you'd prefer.
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits