07-11-2014, 12:56 PM
sanantone Wrote:The Per Credit Tuition Plan lets you avoid the high enrollment fee under the Enrolled Options Plan. The caveat is that it has a 24-credit residency requirement for bachelors degrees. However, portfolio assessments and TECEPs are cheap ways of fulfilling the residency requirement. 24 credits from TECEPs will cost $888, and you get the bonus of filling in areas for which you would have used CLEP, DSST, or something else. The enrollment fee is $3,154 under the Enrolled Options Plan, and that doesn't cover any credits.
Did that ever get resolved whether you can use portfolios to gain residency without $$? Didn't someone tell you about a month ago that you'd get charged the per credit tuition fee on top of $250 to review portfolios?