06-12-2014, 11:39 AM
bricabrac Wrote:Your assumption is correct, you only need use 12/24 TESC credits to meet residency in your overall degree plan. There is no core/area of study stipulation.
Here is a list of my TECEP exam recommendations. You could quite easily meet the residency requirement.
Gen Ed Options:
Comp: ENC101, ENC102 (see notes)
Hum: COM210, ENG201, JOU110
SOS: POS101, PSY270, SOC210, HIS126
NS/M: CIS107, MAT105, BIO208
Business (ASBA/BSBA) Options:
ENG201, POS101, COM210, MAR321, MAR322, MAR323, CIS107, BUS311, BUS421*
Blue=Area of Study. Red=Business Core. (CIS107 fits into both sections.)
The English Composition exams seem great! By description, I would definitely choose them over the CLEP.
ENC101 - the English Composition I examination is a two-hour test of your ability to write in English in a manner that is grammatically correct, clear, and appropriate to the particular audience being addressed. The examination calls for four brief responses, one or two paragraphs in length, and one longer and more thoroughly developed response (the essay). A passing score is 70 out of 100 points.
ENC102 - The English Composition II examination is a four-hour test of your ability to write English that is grammatically correct and clear, while using (3) written source material appropriately in a short research paper. A passing score is 70 out of 100 points.
* BUS421 (Optional) - Strategic Management is the BSBA capstone. This exam was very difficult but if you allow yourself plenty of time to study, it's doable. As a much easier alternative, you could also transfer in Penn Foster's Strategic Business Management course. My Advice: Those who test well, study thoroughly and have business experience should attempt the TECEP. Others, I would recommend Penn Foster. Either way, both options are less grueling than the actual TESC course, which is a ton of work.
Not sure how to ask my question so it makes since to you.
Im attempting to finish my degree with only 12 good credits from prior CC and JST(Army) credits, so I have alot to complete, around 107.33 to be exact.
I have taken the TEEX CYB101 online courses and waiting for TESC to approve them (2 credits) and if the do and they get credited to my Free Elective section, I will have that entire section completed. I have registered for the ENC 101 TECEP exam and currently looking for some good study material to review before I sit for that exam.
Based on your information above - it appears that I can take any TECEP and it should apply towards my residency requirement for the BSBA in Gen MGT, is that correct ??? I would prefer to take the easiest TECEP's possible that would meet the residency requirement, but also not be more credits that I would actually need to finish.
I am one of those people who do not study well, nor do I test well. Im old (52) to be exact and returning to school thus far has not been to difficult, but again the TEEX stuff was not that difficult either.
What would you suggest to be the easiest route for me as far as TECEP's go. My eval should be attached for you to review.
BSBA - Gen Mgt @ TESC In Progress
Total Earned - 14.67
Remaining - 105.33
Com College
CIS 105
MAN 105
PED 106
4.67 credits
GOG 280
MAN 201
PEA 199
MSC 131
MSC 161
HEA 195
8 Credits
Cyber Security for Everyone (CYB 101)
2 ACE Credits
Total Earned - 14.67
Remaining - 105.33
Com College
CIS 105
MAN 105
PED 106
4.67 credits
GOG 280
MAN 201
PEA 199
MSC 131
MSC 161
HEA 195
8 Credits
Cyber Security for Everyone (CYB 101)
2 ACE Credits