04-04-2014, 03:12 PM
rmonte Wrote:I have 8 clep/dssts down. I have Intro to business law, business communications, business stat, business ethics up next. Any recommendations on DSST/Clep Vs Straighterline? I've had great success with Clep/DSST so far, but it seems it might be faster this way. I have to sign up for BUsiness communications, so if I can get another class done the same month it sounds like it would be a better deal.
I have 97 credits and I've done most with CLEP/DSST and only 3 with SL. So I don't have a huge experience with SL. My opinion is that if the SL class is ONLY tests and no writing (like Business Ethics), then SL was much faster. But if SL is going to require writing papers and other assignments besides tests, then you may want to do the DSST or CLEP.