02-21-2014, 05:55 PM
Honestly, after completing the PLA, I don't understand the complete negativity. Of course it's easier for most people to take a Intro to Psych CLEP than to PLA it. But if a person 1) can't test out of a subject, which was my situation, or 2) hates testing and might enjoy the PLA process, as your sister might, then what's the harm in trying? Plus, I don't believe there are UL equine science tests
The costs are certainly not prohibitive and still far less than the traditional path.

CLEP's and DSST's passed: Fund. of Counseling, Tech Writing, Here's to your Health, Intro to Computers, Analyzing and Interpreting Lit, Human Growth and Devel, Intro to Soc., Crim Just, Law Enforcement, Env. and Humanity, Astronomy.
Completed 2 PLA's through LearningCounts.org.
Completed Capstone at TESC.
Completed 2 PLA's through LearningCounts.org.
Completed Capstone at TESC.