08-12-2013, 02:00 PM
namwen Wrote:The thing that I like most about this curriculum is that many of the courses require a weekly essay. That part really does excited me. As a matter of fact, it was just a few days before I dicovered this that I told my wife that I wish we had a curriculum that required regular writing.
If you build on what he says and reference the Robinson Curriculum, you have your child write 1 page every day. It can be on anything, but it has to be a page. We start writing with copy work through 7th grade then it's 1 page daily. Occasionally, I'll have a bigger assignment, but only maybe 2-3 times per year. Doing 1 page daily allows you to really develop a few key things- penmanship, use of basic capitals punctuation, and spelling. My kids almost always use their Netflix documentary as the basis for their paper, but not always. We have an bunch of interesting books like the Eye Witness series and encyclopedias (remember those? LOL) that they can use, but I give them about 5 seconds to think of a topic since that's not the purpose. My oldest, who is finished with homeschool, did 5 paragraph essays every day through his senior year. My next oldest might start that sooner since writing comes much easier to him. I never grade content, only structure, which has made for many amusing and interesting papers lol.