06-11-2013, 05:16 PM
KayV thank you so much for the plans. I've been playing around with this stuff on excel all weekend with help from the degree wiki. I still have my last evaluation from TESC also but I know that a lot has probably changed since 2008 when I printed it out. Right now I just need to work through those Aleks courses. I have to start with beginning algebra because I haven't touched math since 1992!
I wanted to cry after my first assessment but that just means I have my work cut out for me. I passed Algebra and precal in HS so I know I can do this, it's just gonna take some time to refresh my knowledge. Part of the reason I dropped out of TESC the last time was because I didn't have the confidence or the study skills. This time I will take baby steps.
I've never taken a Clep or a Dantes, are they all computerized and is there any writing involved? I think I have a writing and a math phobia.
I wanted to cry after my first assessment but that just means I have my work cut out for me. I passed Algebra and precal in HS so I know I can do this, it's just gonna take some time to refresh my knowledge. Part of the reason I dropped out of TESC the last time was because I didn't have the confidence or the study skills. This time I will take baby steps.
I've never taken a Clep or a Dantes, are they all computerized and is there any writing involved? I think I have a writing and a math phobia.