06-11-2013, 09:02 AM
You are so close to an associate of arts degree! If you take Corporate Communication and Intro to Western Political Thought from Saylor; Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, and Statistics from ALEKS; and 12 FEMA classes from the current list, you should be done with your classwork at fairly minimal expense. Good luck!
Associate of Science Degree Plan
I. General Education Requirements
A. English Composition 6 COMPLETED
ENC-101... English Composition I.... 3.00
ENC-102... English Composition II... 3.00
B. Humanities 9 COMPLETED; NEED 3 (Saylor)
FIL-110... American Cinema.......... 3.00
ART-166... Art History I............ 3.00
ENG-393... One Wrter's Vsion: Jane A 3.00
***NEED Saylor COM-300 Intro to Business Comm 3.00
C. Social Sciences 12 COMPLETED
ARC-101... Intro. to Western Archaeo 3.00
ANT-101... Introduction to Anthropol 3.00
SOS-110... Living in the Information 3.00
PSY-101... Introduction to Psycholog 3.0
D. Natural Science and Mathematics 3 COMPLETED; NEED 6 (ALEKS)
BIO-108... Nutrition................ 3.00
***NEED ALEKS Intermediate Algebra 3.00
***NEED ALEKS College Algebra 3.00
E. General Education Electives 3 COMPLETED; NEED 6 (ALEKS/ Saylor)
SOS-320... Stress Mgt. Theory & Prac 3.00
***NEED ALEKS Statistics STA-201 3.00
***NEED Saylor Intro to Western Political Thought/TESC Poli Sci II 3.00
II. Free Electives
A. ***Pick any 12 classes from the FEMA list
Associate of Science Degree Plan
I. General Education Requirements
A. English Composition 6 COMPLETED
ENC-101... English Composition I.... 3.00
ENC-102... English Composition II... 3.00
B. Humanities 9 COMPLETED; NEED 3 (Saylor)
FIL-110... American Cinema.......... 3.00
ART-166... Art History I............ 3.00
ENG-393... One Wrter's Vsion: Jane A 3.00
***NEED Saylor COM-300 Intro to Business Comm 3.00
C. Social Sciences 12 COMPLETED
ARC-101... Intro. to Western Archaeo 3.00
ANT-101... Introduction to Anthropol 3.00
SOS-110... Living in the Information 3.00
PSY-101... Introduction to Psycholog 3.0
D. Natural Science and Mathematics 3 COMPLETED; NEED 6 (ALEKS)
BIO-108... Nutrition................ 3.00
***NEED ALEKS Intermediate Algebra 3.00
***NEED ALEKS College Algebra 3.00
E. General Education Electives 3 COMPLETED; NEED 6 (ALEKS/ Saylor)
SOS-320... Stress Mgt. Theory & Prac 3.00
***NEED ALEKS Statistics STA-201 3.00
***NEED Saylor Intro to Western Political Thought/TESC Poli Sci II 3.00
II. Free Electives
A. ***Pick any 12 classes from the FEMA list