05-29-2007, 01:10 AM
I'm really thinking about giving up and just accepting the BSL degree, which I have already earned from Excelsior (still need to finish INL). A BS in Psychology just sounds so much better to me. It is a shame that I have everything that I need for it (including 6 UL Psych exams and the GRE Psychology), yet it requires a rediculous stats exam, which I will never even begin to use in the real world:mad: In fact, nothing in this exam would ever even cross my mind again after test day. It doesn't really matter what I get a degree in for what I want to do. Why put myself through 3 weeks of agony just so my type of degree looks a little bit better on my resume. On the other hand, I'm so close to a Psych degree that I really deserve it and shouldn't fall short.:confused: