07-10-2007, 02:35 PM
4dkids Wrote:Anyone use Barron's review or shaums outlines for finance? I am not getting very far w/ resources. I have ordered Idiot's guide from library, but will not get it for a week or two. Thanks.Hi 4dkids,
I didn't use either one of the resources you mentioned above, but I DID use the book recommended: Foundations of Financial Management 11 by Block, Stanley B. / Hirt, Geoffrey A.; McGraw Hill, 2005; ISBN 9780072977929.
Also, did you try some of the resources mentioned in the Specific Exam Feedback section? Here are some of the ones listed:
Chairman's Greeting
Foundations of Financial Management*|*e-Learning Session
Bloomberg.com: Financial Glossary
UnderstandFinance - Easy-To-Understand Finance Tutorials
Small Business Administration
studyfinance.com - The University of Arizona Students of Finance
The Investment Dictionary - InvestorsEdge.com, Giving Investors The Edge!
Definition of Financial Terms
GCSAA - Member Central - Glossary of financial terms
studyfinance.com - Lecture: Time Value of Money
I hope that helps!

P.S. Also, if you want to PM me your e-mail address, I can send you some additional study notes I used.
BS - General Business - June 2007
Excelsior College
Excelsior College