01-01-2013, 05:34 PM
Jonathan Whatley Wrote:For now! But our Jennifer could play an angle like this and become the next great celebrity scientist.
For Gastronomists, a Go-To Microbiologist (profile of Rachel Dutton by Peter Andrey Smith, The New York Times, September 17, 2012)
Super interesting article! FWIW, these guys are so far over my head I can see up their trousers. McGee, is "the" food science guru for chefs. His books really are as sciency as any chef will go. In fact, the culinary science class we "used to" teach at the CC in the early 90's was NOTHING like what they do today. My food science class was, well, kinda like kindergarten against experts like McGee. So, if McGee is going to her for help, well, I can't even wrap my brain around that lol. I bought my husband the newest edition of On Food and Cooking last year for Christmas. This year, if he'd have been good (lol, j/k) I would have bought him Mondernist Cuisine..currently "the" food science for chefs bible. Of course, it's somewhere around $500-$600 if you can find someone selling theirs.