No the Fed. does not go after these companies, at least not enough to do the job right, or the problem of illegal immigration would probably be nonexistent, because they wouldn't be able to get jobs.
However, there are still loopholes. For example, the professional lawn mowing industry, they can do it for cash and run their own business and not pay taxes etc. Additionally, in CA they have a huge problem with illegal immigration, that's why a lot of people are moving from CA. Talk about discrimination, they have whole hispanic construction crews that won't hire whites. Oh yeah, I know Americans "benefit" by illegal workers, but in the long run both the worker and employer are cheating themselves. Because America has an abundance of wealth it has indeed corrupted its government and citizens. We all want something for nothing, even when we pay for it. Also I don't think these immigrants consider doing our "dirty work" an abuse, they will soon though however, with the lazy, entitled attitude this country feeds them with its culture.
Actually what the immigrants risked to get here is no worse than what they had at home. So, they haven't risked anything more. And when they do get here they get it all but get it the wrong way. Granted nobody should have to live the way they do at home, but that's what hard work is for and back in the old days America could be proud of doing just that.
I do believe I have American indian ancestry but regardless and however, the people who settled America including my ancestors though they "ran away", they did it legally.
I am not familiar with our policies regarding Cuba; however, it sounds like the American government does not want the responsibility of protecting its citizens in a hostile country, but I don't know the answer to the other half. Actually, Romney would probably be correct if you add up all the handouts the government gives, and the handouts is where the cowtowing is. However, 46 million are on food stamps and that's an example of how deep in it a lot of people are. Its one thing to try to appeal to your voter, but its another to compromise your principles as a result or just not have any principles to begin with. Again, a party platform is just that, a platform. The people should come to it because they support its views, not the other way around. The platform should never change, though both parties are guilty of having candidates that try to change them.
You can't build a base from opposing viewpoints and the people who hold them, so its best if the people change to meet the base, obviously that's not perfectly possible or we would have no majorities and minorities.
If something is right, it isn't wrong and something with vital importance has no middle ground on that scale.
Yes, unfortunately, we don't have perfect parties; they're too old to be perfect.
To Sanantone,
I think regarding the resume call backs, People in business usually have one top priority motivator and that's money. Whoever, they think will do the best job and make the most money, they'll hire.
Granted sometimes prejudice does enter into it because of preconceived notions, but who's to judge someone's thoughts? The Federal government?
The federal government is not justified in telling people who to hire in Affirmative Action. That should be left to free enterprise, because otherwise it compromises founding principles of freedom.
To be honest, if there was more morality in America, business practices and attitudes towards other people would be better.
I suppose it may depend on exactly where someone lives but racial profiling, on the whole is non-existent. With respect to Arizona's law, the policeman must have a reasonable suspicion that the person is illegal to trigger the requirement. For example, if they have a car that doesn't meet inspection requirements or don't have insurance etc. those are violations of the law along with the fact that, come to find out they aren't legal! At any rate, that would be an example of a reasonable stop. I do believe the law will help prevent crimes committed by illegals already here and prevent harm to the local citizens. However, a wall would definitely be good as well.
Generally, people are just fed up by the abuses they receive from the illegals. Tax evasion, emergency room use, no car insurance for wrecks, stolen or destroyed property etc. Then of course there are the more serious crimes of murder etc. For example a 19 year old girl was killed in her apartment because an illegal was trying to steal something.
Those things boil people's blood and something does need to be done. The American government should be ashamed of its lack of concern for one of the reasons it was created, protecting the people. The U.S. citizens should to, but we don't care enough to even have a slight interest to know what our government does, we don't care....
What's a matter with us?
All of this is way too long, however, it should make sense.
However, there are still loopholes. For example, the professional lawn mowing industry, they can do it for cash and run their own business and not pay taxes etc. Additionally, in CA they have a huge problem with illegal immigration, that's why a lot of people are moving from CA. Talk about discrimination, they have whole hispanic construction crews that won't hire whites. Oh yeah, I know Americans "benefit" by illegal workers, but in the long run both the worker and employer are cheating themselves. Because America has an abundance of wealth it has indeed corrupted its government and citizens. We all want something for nothing, even when we pay for it. Also I don't think these immigrants consider doing our "dirty work" an abuse, they will soon though however, with the lazy, entitled attitude this country feeds them with its culture.
Actually what the immigrants risked to get here is no worse than what they had at home. So, they haven't risked anything more. And when they do get here they get it all but get it the wrong way. Granted nobody should have to live the way they do at home, but that's what hard work is for and back in the old days America could be proud of doing just that.
I do believe I have American indian ancestry but regardless and however, the people who settled America including my ancestors though they "ran away", they did it legally.
I am not familiar with our policies regarding Cuba; however, it sounds like the American government does not want the responsibility of protecting its citizens in a hostile country, but I don't know the answer to the other half. Actually, Romney would probably be correct if you add up all the handouts the government gives, and the handouts is where the cowtowing is. However, 46 million are on food stamps and that's an example of how deep in it a lot of people are. Its one thing to try to appeal to your voter, but its another to compromise your principles as a result or just not have any principles to begin with. Again, a party platform is just that, a platform. The people should come to it because they support its views, not the other way around. The platform should never change, though both parties are guilty of having candidates that try to change them.
You can't build a base from opposing viewpoints and the people who hold them, so its best if the people change to meet the base, obviously that's not perfectly possible or we would have no majorities and minorities.
If something is right, it isn't wrong and something with vital importance has no middle ground on that scale.
Yes, unfortunately, we don't have perfect parties; they're too old to be perfect.
To Sanantone,
I think regarding the resume call backs, People in business usually have one top priority motivator and that's money. Whoever, they think will do the best job and make the most money, they'll hire.
Granted sometimes prejudice does enter into it because of preconceived notions, but who's to judge someone's thoughts? The Federal government?
The federal government is not justified in telling people who to hire in Affirmative Action. That should be left to free enterprise, because otherwise it compromises founding principles of freedom.
To be honest, if there was more morality in America, business practices and attitudes towards other people would be better.
I suppose it may depend on exactly where someone lives but racial profiling, on the whole is non-existent. With respect to Arizona's law, the policeman must have a reasonable suspicion that the person is illegal to trigger the requirement. For example, if they have a car that doesn't meet inspection requirements or don't have insurance etc. those are violations of the law along with the fact that, come to find out they aren't legal! At any rate, that would be an example of a reasonable stop. I do believe the law will help prevent crimes committed by illegals already here and prevent harm to the local citizens. However, a wall would definitely be good as well.
Generally, people are just fed up by the abuses they receive from the illegals. Tax evasion, emergency room use, no car insurance for wrecks, stolen or destroyed property etc. Then of course there are the more serious crimes of murder etc. For example a 19 year old girl was killed in her apartment because an illegal was trying to steal something.
Those things boil people's blood and something does need to be done. The American government should be ashamed of its lack of concern for one of the reasons it was created, protecting the people. The U.S. citizens should to, but we don't care enough to even have a slight interest to know what our government does, we don't care....
What's a matter with us?
All of this is way too long, however, it should make sense.