Everyone brings up very valuable points here. I suggest that everyone should put something on their signature regarding Staighterlines new policy, to warn future students about this change and to take CLEPS/DSSTs instead to finish a degree. Once I get home from work I will do this myself, just like IrishJohn! Thanks Irish for the idea, lol. Also it would be very beneficial if a moderator can add this as a sticky thread. Future students who come here to complete his/hers degree will notice at the top Straighterlines new change. After all this forum is to help others and we must warn new comers about this. At least for the big three, Straighterline will see a huge dramatic drop in students from Excelsior, TESC and COSC. I believe TESC is the top partner school for Straighterline in which students choose to transfer their courses too. I for one learned about Straighterline on this forum. Not on the internet, not from advertisements, but this forum here. If they aren’t big three students, well on comers will google Straighterline in google and notice a petition and also two threads up on two popular distance education forums regarding this change. However if you must use Straighterline you know the risks and consequences now.
Certification (ACA) University of Central Florida
B.A. (Social Sciences) Thomas Edison State University