29palms Wrote:And its not a matter of being smart. It's more a matter of being rebelioius to the system that constantly shoves it to you.I think it's both. Definitely smart -- you gave your wife a nice vacation, didn't you? Pleasing one's spouse is always a smart thing to do!
I'm making ZERO recommendations here - I know the lingo (somewhat) but not the University system. Here's a link to all the Salvadorean Universities..and sub-links to each school's web-page. Maybe you can "stick it to the man" once again. I have no idea of the cost, how much distance-ed is available, or what a US NACES-member evaluator would make of the degrees. Might be a good (and potentially money-saving) homework assignment for you to take a look. ¡Buena suerte, amigo!
Universities in Salvador (Public and Private College List)